August 24, 2003

Even though we speak the same tongue, we are not truly speaking the same language at all.

I think people can be both Idealists and Realists at the same time. I see an Idealist as someone who envisions a better way, and often seeks to bring this about (even if it is just to complain about the status quo). I admire idealists. They take time to consider big issues, instead of the mundane. Realists are people who see what is, and try to work within the current structure to do what needs to be done. Those who consider themselves realists can sometimes become defeated thinking that nothing will change.

People who make a difference in the world are usually idealists who pursue change by using what is. Doing this often takes great courage. Most everyone is afraid of change or the possible "bad" consequences that may come from it. Thus the old saying: "Better the devil I know"..... But change is inevitable on the human plane.

I looked up the dictionary definitions of these labels. And once again I was made aware of the rapid evolution of language. Words change meaning with common usage in a remarkably short time. That, and the constant coining of new words with advances in technology and new ways of thinking, are the reasons that dictionaries must constantly be updated.

As humans, we often put people in boxes, using labels to neatly fit them in. We use labels, because in relating to one another, usually all we have is words. The truth is that labels mean nothing because we all have unique perceptions of what any word means. Even though we speak the same tongue, we are not truly speaking the same language at all.

My brother David and I generally have similar views about most issues, yet we often find ourselves disagreeing. It is funny when we realize that our disagreement is not about the issue at all, but the best language to express the thought. All the time we have been trying very hard to convince each other to accept our choice of words to describe it!

It is at these times that my ego-self is dominant. I am more concerned about being right or being recognized, than I am concerned with my ability to communicate with an open mind and heart. And I realize, once again, that my ego is still very strong, and fighting the process of dying that leads to enlightenment

We have a prayer, "lead us from the unreal to the real, from death to immortality". The death referenced here is not the death of the body, but instead, the death of the ego. The ego spoken of in spiritual practice is not the same as the Freudian concept of ego. As we begin to know the Self, our ego-mind starts to die. Every religion, every path talks of this. Still working at it.

Posted by Judi at August 24, 2003 9:45 PM | TrackBack
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