October 29, 2010


If I could be at the Restore Sanity / Keep Fear Alive Rallies, I would love to carry a a variety of signs with me. That way, depending on my mood, I could change them as things progress.

Actually, as I consider this question, even if i don't go anywhere tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I should make a variety of different signs to be prepared for any future rallies, marches and protests in which i fully intend to participate. Maybe I could put them out on my lawn just to let people know where I stand. The possibilities are endless!

I can't decide which sign I currenty like best,
but I'm leaning toward one of these;
Below are Mom's top six:

"I'm Not Afraid of Muslims,
Tea Partiers, Socialists,
Immigrants,Gun Owners
or Gays,
But I am Kind of Scared of Spiders."

With YOU But I'm
Pretty Sure You're

"Protest Signs Are An Ineffectual Means
Of Communicating My Nuanced Views
On A Variety Of Issues
That Cannot Be Reduced To
A Simple Pithy Slogan"


"Every time you
demonize someone
for political gain,
a terrorist gets his wings."

Any opinions???

Posted by Judi at October 29, 2010 3:37 PM | TrackBack
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