May 25, 2006


So. On a particularly bad hair day, two days after futilely trying to reach my hairdresser, I started chopping. As mounds of hair fell around me, I felt better. Lighter somehow.

The extent of the damage was only realized when I looked in the mirror the next day. OMG! What have I done? The realization did nothing to lift me out of the neverland where I have been residing of late.

Today, I was finally able to see the stylist. Why? She asked. What could I say?

She tried to repair the damage, at least even it out, but her efforts seem to have made it worse. Well. Hair grows. At least that is what I am trying to tell myself.

Posted by Judi at May 25, 2006 2:12 PM | TrackBack

been there. . .done that.
you can't hide a bad haircut on straight hair.

Posted by: mrs diggs at May 25, 2006 7:17 PM
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