September 1, 2005


It is amazing how quickly the veneer of civilization breaks down. How easily the rules we agree to live by crumble in times of panic. The worst predictions, by writers of fiction, of what would happen when real disaster strikes are being played out before our eyes.

Not that I can blame the victims of Katrina's devastation for grabbing anything they can. When faced with the same situation, many of us would take anything we could find to use to barter for the necessities to survive. It may really be the difference between life and death. Don't be too quick to judge!

One would have thought that here in the United States, we would have enough helicopters, enough trained people to rescue nearly everyone ... at least to make sure that there was water and medical supplies for the survivors... But then, of course, most of our national guard and military reserve units are fighting Bush's war in Iraq.

Had enough yet?

Posted by Judi at September 1, 2005 4:10 PM | TrackBack
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