July 25, 2004


...Wasn't expecting to like I, ROBOT as much as I did. After seeing the trailers I didn't expect to like it much at all. ...Couldn't even imagine Will Smith being part of this story. In this case, my expectations were dead wrong.

I don't know what Isaac Asimov would have thought of this film as it plainly does not reflect his vision, but ... I LOVED I, ROBOT! In, fact, I would go back and see this movie again, and again.

A cousin introduced me to Isaac Asimov's writings when I was twelve. I, Robot was the first Science Fiction story I'd ever read, not counting scary comic books. I became familiar with the Three Laws of Robotics as I devoured every book this author wrote.

So, when I saw the trailer for the movie, I was annoyed. Robots in Asimov's books always adhered to The Laws. I never much liked the monster stories, and didn't consider them REAL Science Fiction.

If you, too, are an old school science fiction fan, don't worry. This is a stand alone story. It's a fun movie to watch. You will probably like it, even though this film isn't much like our beloved Robot stories. Be sure to see it on the big screen.

I am looking forward to the sequel. After all, we do have to find out what happens next. Oh yes, and Will Smith was great!

Posted by Judi at July 25, 2004 10:22 PM | TrackBack
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