June 12, 2004


Many years ago, my brother started to explore Buddhism. He told me of the mantra that leads a believer into meditation. “Om Mani Padme Hum” And, said something to the effect that in letting go of the thought, one begins to look at what is within.

At the mention of this, I felt a moment of tremendous fear. David asked me what was it that I feared? I said that I didn't know, but i think i was afraid that if i really looked within, I wouldn't see anything. That there would be 'nothing' there.

It took many years before I gathered the courage to start the inward journey. ...To begin the exploration that would change my life. Along the way, I have gained some awareness. I think the greatest thing I have learned is that it is true ... that when one looks within, one will find 'nothing' ... No Thing.

There are no words to describe what is found in those moments when we go within to our heart. Those flashes when we connect with the Source. Something that is No Thing is there. We can name it Light, Energy, Creation, or God. What ever we call the Nameless, it fills the Universe.

And, of this No Thing we have come,
of this, we are all a part, inter-connected,
... and never truly alone.


Turning on the TV this morning, I heard Wayne Dyer say:
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Earlier, I'd read that Goethe said; ""Nothing is worth more than this day."

When you consider these words, and become aware of the No Thing ... this eternal flash of creation ... how can one not become overwhelmed by the miracle of this very moment?

We just have to connect. Not always easy, lost as we can be in the unreality of our human experience. But, those rare and precious moments of awareness are invaluable.

I'm still at the beginning of my journey, two steps forward ...one step back. Climbing hills and falling backward. Forgetting at times where I am going, but eventually blessed with Some One or Some Thing who helps me remember. Thank You.

Posted by Judi at June 12, 2004 10:59 AM | TrackBack
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