October 4, 2003


My husband has strong feelings about telemarketers. And, usually tells them so when they call. This morning, he showed me a column by Dave Barry which appeared today in our local paper, the Daily Breeze.

I don't like much like the the calls either. Because of this, signed the Do Not Call Registry. Now, of course, the telemarketers see their livelihood threatened, so they are fighting back.

I can understand this, and know that people will lose jobs if this law to protect our privacy goes into effect. I can sympathize with those people, especially those who are making minimum wage, or being paid only commission, by making these unwelcome calls. I know that these folks are just doing what they can to earn a living.

I try really hard not to be rude to the callers as I tell them we are not interested, and ask them to “ please take our name off of their phone list"!

But once in a while I get exasperated.

Last week, while talking to a friend, I was interrupted SIX times by call waiting. That day I had left messages at four different places and was awaiting the return calls. Every one of the calls first five calls I received during our short conversation was a telemarketer.

On the sixth interruption, I clicked away and heard “Hi, How are you doing?” by a voice I didn’t immediately recognize. I rudely said: “I am not interested!” Don’t call back!”

Later that day, I noticed that there was a message waiting. I checked it. It was a Spiritual Brother telling me that it was he who called. I was embarrassed, and called to apologize and try to explain.

That night at Meditation, it was shared that someone else had a similar experience. But, one much more serious.

So, as much as I hope this law goes into effect, I want to be careful in the future.

You never know when you might be taken unaware by angels.

Posted by Judi at October 4, 2003 6:30 PM | TrackBack
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